Monday, June 29, 2009

We have VERY talented rabbits & deer or one twisted friend....hmmmmm

We came home to find this sweet sign near the garden. I told Dan that something was up after we listened to the phone message telling us the Deb would be willing to till between the rows of tomatoes with her 5 foot wide tiller. Also, her generous offer to come park her car over the tomatoes to save them from the impending hail storm on Friday should have been a hint to her evil plot. She is such a great friend!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

And the Wii goes on...

Last night was my 76th day at the Wii Fit. I've managed to lose some weight and Dan SWEARS that I'm toning up. I think that's just his nice way of saying "I don't see much change, but you go girl!". My little piggy that keeps track of my time has gone from bronze to silver and I've logged over 21 hours. It still amazes me how you can be doing the activities and you have been at it for over 30 minutes. Don't know if I'm making great changes but it sure helps me forget about work for a while anyway!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Dinner on the deck...with a view

Saturday we decided to dig the table and chairs out of the moth balls (literally), and put them on the deck under the new canopy Dan had built. At first, I wasn't a big fan of the addition, but after it was finished it is soooo nice to be able to sit out there in the cool shade and enjoy an evening meal. The best part was that Sunday Stephanie and Kiel came up and shared our first "outdoor" dinner. I'm sure we're going to put it to great use
the rest of the summer and well into fall. And what a beautiful sky we had.....