Friday, December 18, 2009

One week before Christmas...

I haven't posted anything in a while so I thought it would be a good thing to post an up date. Christmas is just around the corner and we're not even close to being ready. I really dislike shopping (unless it's for myself and especially for scrapbooking supplies). We might have company which would be great so we need to get in gear. We'll have a busy week-end baking,shopping,decorating and cleaning the house. I also need to get cards done if they're going to be sent. I seem to get later and later every year! Does this have something to do with age....hmmmm? Thought I'd share a few pictures of the deer that live in our back yard. They're huge.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

160+ days...glad to be called overweight!

I haven't commented on the Wii lately so here's an update. I have finally gotten down so that the Wii announces that I am now overweight instead of the awful obese that it was yelling at me! I think the lowfat-no fat diet, stressing about work and volleyball is starting to payoff. My children will be here this week-end and if they notice a change I'll know that I've made some progress. Dan keeps telling me that he can tell I've lost weight but I think he does that just to make me happy! He's such a sweetie that way. : )

Thursday, July 30, 2009

God's promise...

Last night was one of the first times I've ever seen a complete rainbow, horizon to horizon. For a short while there was a double rainbow. The pictures really don't do it justice, but I thought I'd throw them out anyway.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Indian Creek is calling.....

After rock hunting a couple of weeks ago, I decided to check my old "stash" of finds to see if I had anything the would pass as a Fairburn. I came up with a handful of prospects. Now we need to get back out there and find some really good ones!! I'm ready to go!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Warm Sunday,beautiful scenery, and one great friend...priceless

We hadn't been out rocking hunting in 5 years we figured. So, Friday while playing "beauty shop" we plotted our escape. We'd get all our home chores done up on Saturday and run away for a girls rock hunting day on Sunday.

Sunday I woke up to lightening and some rain but that didn't put a damper on our plans. I made up some "perfect" wraps for lunch, grabbed a water jug,filled it with ice water, frantically hunted for and found my rock hunting backpack and headed out the door. I crossed the river and met Deb at her place. She was already packing up the car, guess she was as excited as I was. We decided that the Badlands was our spot of choice to the day. As we headed south of Philip we followed a car that was headed to what looked like the spot we had in mind. But as we neared Weta Deb starts talking about some older lady she had met in a cafe in Kadoka who had horses and lived down this way. Anyway that's what Deb remembered and how long ago was this? One,two, no I'm thinking probably 5 years ago, but don't worry Deb says. She pretty certain she know the way to the lady's place and didn't she tell Deb to come back anytime?! WHAT! Oh, she was a horse lady and a rock hound too. Well, we head down a side road and Deb starts saying yeah,yeah, this look like the right way. We do actually make it to the lady's place but there was no one home so we headed to Weta. (Wasn't that were we were headed in the first place?) As we near the choice rock hunting ground we see the car we'd followed from Philip. They were out of there car and hunting rocks like madmen. We hustle to our spot get out and start the sport. We found some really GREAT rocks and decided to take a break from the sun and heat to enjoy our picnic lunch. Just as we are getting settled up pulls the other rock people. They ask if we found any thing and Deb mentions we had a few good things. (Deb will talk to ANYONE!!) So they pull their car in get out and show us their find. One fantastic Fairburn agate!! We continue to visit and eat our lunch when they invite us to go to the next spot with them, so we do. As we get out at the new destination Deb notices that Ms.M is carrying a screwdriver and comments that they carry tools just like Deb does. That's when Mr.R whips out a HUGE hunting knife and says, "I don't mess around with the small stuff."

So I'm we are out in the middle of nowhere with a woman who carries a screwdriver and her husband with a bayonet. Are we insane??! Deb and I head one direction and the weapon carrying deliverance couple head out the other way. After hunting around there for about an hour we all decide to call it a day. That when we got invited to their home to see their collection of Fairburn agates. I'm still not 100% sure this is a good idea thinking about the arsenal they were packing, but Deb says it'll be fine and off we head. We get to their house and out comes a Suitcase (honestly), chuck full of all sizes of Fairburns. Man, what a collection. So, on the way home, as I'm dumping the treasure I thought I'd found, out the window, we decide we're heading out again next week-end to find us some "REAL TREASURE" fit for a suitcase of our own!

Monday, June 29, 2009

We have VERY talented rabbits & deer or one twisted friend....hmmmmm

We came home to find this sweet sign near the garden. I told Dan that something was up after we listened to the phone message telling us the Deb would be willing to till between the rows of tomatoes with her 5 foot wide tiller. Also, her generous offer to come park her car over the tomatoes to save them from the impending hail storm on Friday should have been a hint to her evil plot. She is such a great friend!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

And the Wii goes on...

Last night was my 76th day at the Wii Fit. I've managed to lose some weight and Dan SWEARS that I'm toning up. I think that's just his nice way of saying "I don't see much change, but you go girl!". My little piggy that keeps track of my time has gone from bronze to silver and I've logged over 21 hours. It still amazes me how you can be doing the activities and you have been at it for over 30 minutes. Don't know if I'm making great changes but it sure helps me forget about work for a while anyway!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Dinner on the deck...with a view

Saturday we decided to dig the table and chairs out of the moth balls (literally), and put them on the deck under the new canopy Dan had built. At first, I wasn't a big fan of the addition, but after it was finished it is soooo nice to be able to sit out there in the cool shade and enjoy an evening meal. The best part was that Sunday Stephanie and Kiel came up and shared our first "outdoor" dinner. I'm sure we're going to put it to great use
the rest of the summer and well into fall. And what a beautiful sky we had.....

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Well done sailor....

Last Friday was Doug's graduation from Navy basic training at Great Lakes Naval Base near Chicago. It was a great experience being able to be there for the occasion. Megan was VERY excited to see her husband and I was excited to see my baby boy. It was great to spend time with all my children. Stephanie had flown in from Phoenix and we met Megan in Luverne,MN and all traveled to Chicago together. Doug graduated as anE3 which is the highest rank you can leave boot camp with. We are all very proud of our sailor. Who would have thought that little red-headed baby "sailor" would grow to become an actual Navy man!? Doug is quite handsome in his uniform and Megan commented that she has a new appreciation for men in uniform. But I think she has a new appreciation for HER man in uniform not men in general! : )

Thursday, May 7, 2009

It's Thursday with 7 days to go...

When Doug first left for basic training I thought we'd never get to this point. Now with only 7 day until we leave for Chicago and graduation, it seems like the time has flown by. Doug had also said he was amazed that the time had gone by so quickly. I go Saturday to Rapid City to pick up my daughter,who is flying in from Phoenix. I haven't seen her since November. We have a "girl day" appointments and pedicures. Of course, Dan has made a list for Sam's that's a mile long, so we'll get his stuff done too!! Then Sunday we girls are going to Grandma's for Mother's Day. Fun and busy next 7 days!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

27 days posted and still Wii-ing!

I can't believe how addicted I've become with this thing. I even got Dan to play a few games with me on Saturday. It is telling me I've lost about 10 pounds. I'm not sure where yet but it seems as though my pants are a little looser.
I am trying to gear up for the 15th when Doug graduates. Megan has the whole trip planned so all I have to do is get to Sioux Falls and go for the ride! We should have a good time!

Friday, April 17, 2009


I weighed in this morning for the "Biggest Loser" I'm down another 1.5 lbs. I really haven't changed anything other than the Wii Fit. I try to do it every night. So I gotta say it must be helping. Hope I'll be able to golf better this summer. League starts next Thursday so I need to be ready to keep up with the boys. Maybe when I go to Doug's graduation he'll be able to see a smaller Mom..that would be exciting! Better be sticking with it Megan, I'm gearing up for the Wii Olympics....well maybe the Senior Wii Olympics! : )

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Addicted to Wii Fit!!

So, I got my Wii Fit just over two weeks ago and I LOVE doing it. I can't wait to get home to start working out. It's fun to see the new yoga poses, balance, endurance, and strength exercises I receive each day. I have to admit, I haven't done all the available exercises but I'm averaging about 45 to 60 minutes a day on the ones I do. That's a HUGE improvement over doing nothing. Maybe if I keep this up my little obese Wii Mii will change shape! I'll keep you posted.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Week five...

Weighed in this morning for the "biggest loser contest", I'm down just shy of 4 pounds. Doesn't seem like much after 5 weeks, but it's better than gaining. We have 2 weeks left so if I'm really good and watch what I eat and do the Wii Fit everyday I might just have a small chance to win! I'm in second place right now..but 5 lbs. behind. I'll be very happy to finish with some weight loss even if I don't win the contest.
Going to my Mom's this afternoon for Easter. Sister and nephews will be there also. Should make for some good conversation time!
Happy Easter everyone!
Last night I went out for drinks with my girls. Honestly, if I could have picked daughters I would have chosen these two along with my own daughter and daughter-in law. Heather and Katie help me to not miss my "real" children so much. They remind me so much of Steph. I enjoy their company so much and it makes my day to think that these two young ladies want to spend time after work with their "work mom"! Thanks girls for keeping me young. But, I'm glad we only do this once a month or so... I'm way too old to do that too often!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Wii Fit....

Well, the Wii Fit arrived Monday but I really didn't feel like getting it out then. Tuesday was a busy evening see Dakotagoat blog...
So last night we pulled it out and set it up, Hopped on and set up the Wii Mii. The little bugger was short and not just fat, but OBESE! I begin going thru the programs to find my fit age...41, not bad for a short obese Mii, okay I did the test 3 times, first one said I was 51 the next one was 68, the third was 41. I WAS NOT DOING TO START OUT AS AN OBESE, SHORT, OLD Mii!! Dan is in the kitchen watching...I know he was laughing too. But after achieving the Wii age I desired I began the fitness programs, yoga, cardio,etc. And before I knew it I had been doing "stuff" for 21 minutes! It was fun and I did get a bit of a workout! Tonight Dan says he'll give it a try too! I'll keep you posted on the progress...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Okay,who stole our spring?!

We had such a gorgeous Saturday and now we have something that resembles a winter storm. Guess that's why they say,"If you don't like the weather in South Dakota just wait a few minutes and it'll change." So Deb, you're probably going to be getting the rest of your baby goats in the next few days. If goats are anything like cattle they always think it's a good idea to have their babies when the weather is the crappiest! I was looking at the "nanny cam" and the girls were all milling around like something was brewing, so maybe there's going to be a new little one soon. Then Dan will have to get those milking hands ready to go!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Beautiful week-end and a clean garage!

The weather was so nice this past week-end. We didn't do much Saturday but we got busy Sunday and tackled a job that was long over due, the dreaded garage organizing. Dan had a storage area put in the overhead area of the garage with a drop down ladder for easier access, so we finally got going and sorted thru my things and his hunting stuff and cleaned things up. The guy who put in the ladder said to look at the things very carefully before hauling them upstairs because chances are we won't ever be bring them back down. I think he's probably right. But it sure is nice to have that task finally done! Plus I have lots more room on my side of the garage!! The only bad thing about the whole ordeal is that we had to act like extremely old people and went to bed at 8:30. Pretty sad huh?!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Week two of the loser game..

Little nervous to weigh-in this morning since I went to lunch yesterday and had super nachos! But, I was down a little more and I STRESS the little part. Only lost about 1/2 lb. but better than gaining. Maybe with the weather getting nicer I can pull the bike off the wall and start riding again. We're talking about getting a Wii and the Wii Fit. I think that would be fun. So watch out Megan if we get it bought,I'm going to get aggressive with the Wii Fit challenge!

Friday, March 6, 2009

First week of "biggest loser" concluded...

Well, I weighed in at work this morning and I'm down 2 pounds! I was a little worried since I spent the week-end at Doug & Megan's and really didn't watch what I was eating then. It must have been the walk Heather and I took on Wednesday that did it. Now that it's Friday I'm at work early(7:30) and hope to go home early too. Since I was here 12 hours yesterday. I haven't decided yet if that's dedication or stupidity.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Out for a stroll...

Boy, what a gorgeous day. I decided it was too nice to waster so I grabbed one of the girls I work with and headed out for a walk. We didn't go real far (about a mile), but it was great to be out doing something other than sitting at a desk all day. Looks like golf and rock hunting are just around the corner!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Home again home again...

Had a very nice week-end. Made a day trip into Omaha to go shopping at the Whole Food Store and Costco. They had some really intersdting cheeses at the Whole food place. The Drunken Gaot cheese was excellent! Now it's back to work.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Snowy Friday, but I'm heading to Nebr.!

I'm excited to get going to see my kids(the human type), hope the roads aren't too bad. I really hate white knuckle driving. Dan is going to make a big dinner for Sunday night so it will be nice to get back home a well. Sunday before getting home I'm stopping in Murdo for TaeKwonDo class, this should prove to be interesting...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Yummy yougart!

Dan made yougart over the week-end. It's been a nice breakfast or dessert with fresh blueberries. He's going to try making more today. It's nice to have a chef boy!

Monday, February 23, 2009


Well this will be a fun week. Have a lunch date for Wednesday and also going to TKD class that evening. I haven't been to class since April so it may prove to be an interesting evening. Hope I can walk on Thursday. Then it's leaving work at noon Friday so I can get to Murdo and to the court house before it closes. After that I'll be heading to Valentine to meet my mommy so we can go to Columbus to see my little boy before he becomes a Navy guy. And I'll try to get most of my stuff done up for the month-end before I go.

Friday, February 20, 2009


Heather has decided that we need a "Biggest Loser" challenge here at work. We're starting with a weigh in next Friday and going for 8 weeks. The final weigh-in will be Friday April 24th. Maybe this will get me on the right track. Not real thrilled with everyone knowing what I weigh though. OUCH!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Beer Thursday

Going to go have a beer with my two "work daughters" tonight. Can't stay too long as Grey's Anatomy is on tonight! : ) I've been looking at a website, ,it's very neat, you track what you eat and you can fill in as much about yourself as you'd like. Deb, check it out! Of course, the beer tonight will be an ouch on the chart!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Do you ever wonder..

Is your life as it is today, what you're really hoping it would/will be? Sometime I wonder if things need to be different. Everyday things aren't as fun and fulfilling as they were a few years ago. Is it age? Is it just that so much have happened in the last two years? Am I expecting too much? Got any answers? I just have a feeling that I missed something very important somewhere and it's not ever going to be available again. Huh?! Makes me wonder....

Monday, February 16, 2009


Well, we had a busy week-end. Cleaned house and had guests over for dinner Sunday. Dan made a wonderful dinner of roasted leg of lamb with roasted new potatoes and green beans. I made dessert that was to equally good...a brownie torte that any chocolate lover would enjoy sampling. I'll save you a piece,Deb. Don't think the diet thing is working for me but someone did ask me if I was trying to lose weight today because I looked thinner. It was a co-worker who probably wants a favor later today! And so it goes...

Friday, February 13, 2009


What a week, I finally got results. No thanks to Alli, I had to resort to the big guns,magnesium citrate. But at least I don't fill so "crappy" today. Yes, a pun was intended. Should be a good week-end, I'll be making a brownie torte for Dan for Valentine's dinner. Actually it will be for Sunday night dinner, we're having leg of lamb, roasted vegetables, salad w/raspberry vinaigrette, and brownie torte for dessert. Want to come for dinner?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

And it's Thursday...

Still no diet results, doesn't really matter anymore. I'm giving up on the diet and going to get aggressive with the exercise. I've got to start soon or I won't be able to test next month. Need to start thinking of what I'm going to say on the paper I need to write..."What it means to be a Master", hmmm this is going to take some thought. Maybe Deb will let me come out and help do chores to start shaping up.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

And we still wait...

Oh isn't this fun, not only does this diet plan stink, (everyone losing but me), now I'm back to not sleeping. Last night I think I had a total of 47 1/2 minutes of actual sleep. I should have stayed up and done something productive. Let's see...can't sleep, can't poop, and can't lose any weight. Is this what getting old is all about? Then to top it off, I'm supposed to test for my 4th degree black belt next month. I'm so out of shape I'd probably die at the testing...wonder if I can even get my belt around me? Now, that would really make my day a happy one!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Three cups of tea later...

So, I thought I'd really tempt fate and have another "tea" last night, hoping for some sort of reaction. Went to bed with ever so slight tummy rumbling, think this was building to the BIG EASY, I got nothing! Today, I hit the hard stuff, could it be that I just have such a low intake of fat that this stuff has no effect on me? Wonder what it would be like to be able to state every morning it's time for a constitution! Hmmmmm?

Monday, February 9, 2009

I'm gonna change my routine.....

Well day 15 and still nothing. Yesterday I even drank two cups of strongly brewed "super dieters tea" and I'm still waiting...
Saturday I had chips and a hot dog, took my Alli and not so much as a small tummy gurgle. You guys either have very sensitive bowels or mine have totally malfunctioned!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Day 14...still waiting

Ok this has got to be some kind of sick joke. I trully beleive I haven't lost an ounce. I have been following the diet pretty well except for a few indulges. I can't even get a "treatment effect". Today I will totally thumb my nose at Alli and the so called treatment effect and wear light colored khakis. After having hot wings with celery and blue cheese dressing yesterday most Alli users would be quaking at the thought of even considering a work day in anything but black slacks. Well see who laughs last.....

Thursday, February 5, 2009

This is for Deb...

Maybe this diet regime isn't for people who "normally" poop once every two weeks. I don't think I've lost any weight and feel like my stomach is a hot air balloon!
But, the huge bright spot is that I've made major progress at work. Posted all the adjustments to correct the #"@k ups from the former comptroller and I did it so that the bottom line was hardly effectede at all. Damn I'm good!!